April 2018 – Allotment News

“Snow joke!” – winter refuses to go away…


The month of March is supposed to be “in like a lion, out like a lamb”. This year the Spring season has been late in arriving. Allotment gardeners are waiting for a bit of spring so they can plant their potatoes and other early crops. Let’s hope they can soon spring into action…

The Pumpkin Show returns

Your chance to learn about how to grow veg without digging, weeding or watering.

Come and see the amazing talk on lasagna gardening and pumpkins on Wednesday 11th April at 7:30pm at Barton Seagrave Village Hall NN15 6WF

Entrance £4

This is your chance to see how cardboard and grass cuttings can transform a wild overgrown allotment into a beautiful pumpkin patch. The talk is given by Russell Attwood, your secretary and is guaranteed to educate and entertain you.

A successful AGM

Our 100th AGM was held on 14th March and was a success. Thanks to everyone who attended and heard the annual financial report and discussed our society’s work and progress. Hear’s looking forward to the next 100 years.

New rule for 2019 rents

Our annual rents and membership subscription are due on 1st January every year. Most members pay promptly and this helps the smooth running of the society. Many thanks.

A few members have not paid rent promptly; this causes a disproportionate amount of work for our treasurer and field stewards. Our new rule gives a strong incentive to pay promptly. The new rule is

If rent has not been paid by the 1st February and a member wishes to continue the tenancy, then a non-refundable advance payment will be required of a further year’s rent”

The new rule was voted on and adopted by members at the AGM on 14th March. It has been added to our rule list on our website – it is rule 11B.

Don’t stone the crows, collect your pebbles


Many thanks to this member who placed these stones in a pothole/puddle on the track at Scott Road. Your hard work and community spirit is much appreciated. 

Fabulous leaf compost piled up at Scott Road car park

The Society arranged for KBC tractors to heap up the tree leaves and shreddings that had been given to us last Autumn. They were spread all over the car park and the area needed clearing. We now have a fabulous pile of beautiful compost that is “help-yourself”. many members have been collecting this by the barrow load to use as mulch and compost on their plots. Everyone agrees that it is really good stuff.
